Saturday, July 22, 2006


“Just call him the Diversity Fairy. He waves his magic wand and diversity appears.”

The past week has been interesting. It started off (obviously) last Saturday with a trip to Fairview Heights to get Kennealy and bring him back to Springfield for Sunday’s MIG meeting. As always, my traveling buddy Shana drove (after my pylon incident at MIG, she doesn’t trust my driving). This time, we took her mother’s brand new Corolla (all the more reason not to let me drive). Since we got a later start (and it was completely miserable, hot and humid), we didn’t hang out in St. Louis. We picked up John and came back to Springfield.

In Springfield, I got a hotel room because we weren’t sure where people would end up sleeping that night. We went out to a couple bars, watching Kennealy beat the shit out of Walcher at darts and met up with Jen and Kovats. After a while, we went back to Jen’s to talk. Bedtime was roughly 3:30. Sleeping arrangements you ask? Kennealy stayed at Walcher’s, Shana went home to Decatur to drop off the car and I ended up splitting the room with McFarland. Yes, I shared a room with Scott McFarland and no one died. I know you’re as shocked as I am.

The next morning, McFarland and I went to breakfast. We ran into Mitchell and Meghan Sims, the MIG Chief Justice, coming into Steak and Shake, so we ate together. During the conversation, I discovered that the Diversity Fairy had left Western for Indiana. JB replaces Cavins (they obviously wanted a woman in that spot) and Maxwell leaves WIU. It’s my hope that student activities can survive without the great Diversity Fairy. Yes, I am being sarcastic. This is the best thing that could happen to WIU short of Garry realizing everyone hates him and he leaves town.

MIG meeting happened and we went to dinner. After dinner, Walcher, Shana and I took Kennealy to the train station (since he couldn’t get a ride back to St. Louis). I bought his train ticket because that’s what big brothers do for little brothers. Don’t think I did it for free. I’ll get my money back. I’m cheap remember?

Undoubtedly, any diatribe regarding the President’s veto of the stem cell bill will result in Nazi Boy turning into Veenefreak and he’ll try to get me removed from the College Republican Facebook group. Nazi Boy needs to start dating Bigot Bitch because they are so much alike. You disagree with them; you have to be punished. The President was wrong, but the House couldn’t override so it’s a moot point now.

Besides that, it’s been a regular week. The usual stuff happened. Israel bombs everyone, Springfield gets a hurricane and I do a little work. Yeah, all in all, a regular week. I don’t remember exactly who said that, but it’s funny!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

St. Louis

I’m not blogging about my class reunion. If you want to have as much fun as I had, get your own class reunion.

I had a nice long four-day holiday weekend. Instead of milling about the house, I actually ventured out of town. On Saturday, Shana and I headed for St. Louis. She wanted to go the Science Museum. It was really hot, so the zoo was ruled out. Since Kennealy lives in the area, I called him to make lunch plans. People that get up to go to work every day tend to work up at that same time even on the weekend. We hit the road from Taylorville at 8:45 AM. Along the way, we stopped at the Homestead Rest Area. When traveling on I-55 towards St. Louis and looking for a quick pit stop, I recommend this rest area.

This meant that we got to Fairview Heights at about 10:30, far too early to eat lunch. I was hungry (and had to answer nature’s call), so we headed to the food court. Lo and behold, there was a Chick-fil-a. Mmmmm Chick-fil-a! I haven’t had Chick-fil-a since the last time I was in New Orleans in 1997. It is so tasty. I scarfed down some chicken nuggets.

We met up with Kennealy and headed to the Chuck Wagon for some lunch. After lunch and sitting around talking for about two hours, we all headed into St. Louis. Kennealy, because his plans for the afternoon changed, played tour guide, taking us around downtown on the train. We went by the accursed Busch Stadium and were surrounded by Cards fans heading to the game. I never felt so violated until I actually stepped into a Cardinals Clubhouse store at Union Station. I felt nauseous, yet didn’t burst into flames as originally thought. After spending a few hours with the little brother, I returned home.

Sunday night was the fireworks. Monday was a day of rest (not that I didn’t sleep Sunday away either). Tuesday I went to Decatur to have lunch with my mom, step dad and aunts and uncle. My newest nephew (step-nephew I guess) is due to arrive in early September. The right rear tire went flat Monday night, so I had to get a new one this morning. An hour and a half late for work, but I only have to work two days this week! Friday is my off-day. I’m going to rest during this three day weekend!